Tuesday, February 4, 2014

One Word plan

The "one word" that I chose to focus on was "dedication" particularly with regard to my family.  I'm pretty busy with school and school and also school that I wanted to make sure that I was making time to dedicate myself to enjoying the time I have available with my family. This was made possible a few weeks ago when my son got and ear infection, my daughter got pink eye, my wife got the flu, and everyone had fevers.  Except me.  For a period of a week I was a one-man crew that was blowing noses, making soups, administering medicines, and disinfecting everything.  It was a wild ride and I'm very glad that everyone is better.


  1. The magic of time! The balance between work and home is a tricky one in our business, and it is great that you are making an effort to make that time at home a priority.

  2. No fun, but I hope fun memories were made with a little extra time spent with family!

  3. Yikes..this sounds like it was a tough stretch of time. How are things going now, sticking with your "one word?" My word was "balanced." We seem to have had similar ideas...it is definitely difficult to balance school...and school...and everything else!

  4. I like what Shawn said - it IS a tricky balance, especially when that delicate balance gets tipped, as in your recent experience at home. If one thing goes wrong, the whole balance is out the door. You are reminded how much you value one another and your family roles.
