Balanced Approach to Assessment Day 1

Entries appear top to bottom from oldest to newest.

Patterns Found in Group Members

  • Designing pre-assessments.
  • More self-assessment.
  • More engaging assessments.
  • Creative assessments.
  • Assessments for different levels of students, differentiated.
  • Collaborate with others to get assessments that work.
  • Creating assessments for a new course and having them ready ahead of time, rather than at the last minute.
  • Developing formative assessments.
  • Interactive assessments.
  • Integrating technology.
  • Assessments that are a part of student learning.
  • All grade levels in our group.

Our Class Beliefs/Norms

We believe:
  • Our beliefs are our truth.
  • Our truth is not obvious to all.
  • Our beliefs are based upon real data that we have selected.
  • The data we selected is real data and we will not dismiss other peoples' data.
Our Norms
  • Speak your truth
    • Be aware of your bias
  • Stay engaged
    • Unplug from the outside
    • Suspend your truth and share when you understand the other's truth
  • Experience Discomfort
    • unlearning to learn
  • Expect and accept non-closure

Individual Reflection:

What part of the beliefs and what part of the norms will be most challenging for you? What do you plan to do about this? In what ways can our class help you with this? What what part or parts will be most natural for you? Explain. 

The most difficult part for me will be to expect and accept non-closure.  I often times like to have things wrapped up nice and neat in a little bow before I can move on to the next item in my life.  This is also helpful for me because if I do not finish a task there is a pretty good chance that it will slip my mind to go back and resume and ultimately complete that task.  My plan is to practice accepting the fact that I will need to review, re-do, and revisit ideas on a regular basis.  The easiest portion for me should be to accept and not dismiss other peoples' data and ideas.  I am an open person and believe that individuals have the right to speak their minds.

Performance Based Summative Assessment


This method of assessment requires the student to create answers or products which demonstrate his/her knowledge or skills. This differs from traditional testing methods which require a student to select a single correct answer or to fill in the blank.  The Office of Technology Assessment of the U.S. Congress defines performance assessment as “any form of testing that requires a student to create an answer or a product that demonstrates his or her knowledge or skills.” 


  • Not one right answer.
  • Student are active participants.
  • Students must be able to apply knowledge and skills to real-world situations.
  • Outcomes are clearly defined and guide the production.

So What?


  • Constructed response questions
  • Essays
  • Projects with clearly defined outcomes
  • Oral interview with students to record their reading skill and their ability to interpret their reading.
  • Portfolio of work throughout a term.


  • Traditional tests (multiple choice, true/false questions, fill in the blank)

Now What?
  1. Create a Checklist to Assess ANY Performance Based Summative Assessment
    1. Clearly stated objectives that are tied to standards.
    2. A product/performance should be created during this process.
    3. Cumulative evidence of proficiency throughout the process.
    4. Students demonstrate autonomous engagement/ability throughout the learning process as well as throughout the creation of the product/performance.
    5. Students use creativity/problem-solving skills to demonstrate their knowledge.
  2. Post your Assessment Checklist Below as a Comment.
  3. Either Create or Revise a Performance Summative Assessment for a Unit.
  4. Be ready to share how your assessment embodies the items on your checklist.


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