Saturday, August 17, 2013

Worksheets Don't Grow Dendrites

Where might you add one of the "Worksheets Don't Grow Dendrites" instructional strategies?

  • I can incorporate movement very easily by doing something as simple as breaking a worksheet into parts and posting those parts around the room.  Students would need to move from section to section completing the work/questions from each part.
  • Cooperative learning can be accomplished by grouping students together during a review day and assigning each group a portion of the unit to condense and describe to the whole class.
  • Humor can be used by making funny insights during a lesson to keeps students' attention and enhance engagement.
  • Although we did not have one of the groups in our community share this strategy, graphic organizers works great with a unit involving the properties of different special quadrilaterals.
  • Music is used in Algebra 2 to sing the quadratic formula to the tune of "Pop Goes the Weasel".
  • Roleplaying could be implemented where one student plays the "teacher" and grades another students work giving him/her pointers on how to improve and complements on what he/she did correctly.

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