Thursday, January 9, 2014


The group I have selected to go through this process with my math department which is also my PLC.
  • Vision:  Create unified approach to our curriculum.
  • Mission:  Work together in a profession manner.
  • Values:  Cooperation, communication, understanding that it won't happen right away, respect for others' ideas.
Which parts of the process were easy?  Difficult?  How did your embrace these parts? 
     We do not always teach the same way, but for the most part we have similar beliefs about what is important to teach our students.  We are also all on the same page in the sense that we do not have to do everything exactly the same, but that the broach strokes should be the same for all of us. 

What did you learn about yourself during this process?
     I can be both the person that thinks outside of the box and the person that is very set in his ways. 

What did you learn about others?
     There are some members that came up with ideas that I never would have thought of myself.

What were missed opportunities?
     Due to the constant scheduling and requirements that our administration puts on our PLC time we don't have as much time as would like (or need) to complete what we would like.

How would you amend (change) the process in the future?
     With more time I know that we can get closer and closer to our goals!


  1. Drew: the group I did this with also has different teaching styles but as long as we have the same goals/mission in mind I think this process is very beneficial!

  2. I think it is important to realize that we will have different styles, but as long as the mission aligns, the kids will be taught. Unifying the curriculum will be good, but it can be a painful process. Keep it up.

  3. I completely relate when you say that all teachers have different styles. This is something i have run in to a lot this year being in the MEd program and it has brought up some good and interesting conversation!
