Saturday, January 11, 2014


My school does not have an anti-bullying program specifically.  There are some loose ideas that go around out there (there has been a "design an anti-bullying t-shirt" program and other minor things,) but there is not over-arching program to speak off.  There is a paragraph, or two, in the student handbook that describes, in generalities, that bullying is not allowed, discouraged, etc.  If bullying does arise, it is the responsibility of the teacher or staff member that sees any sort of bullying occur to report the incident to the office.  What the office might do from there is dependent upon the incident that occurred and the severity of the offense. 

In order to try to prevent bullying in my room, and hopefully then in the building as a whole, I demonstrate through my words and actions that each student is deserving of respect and should not be subject to any sort of emotional distress, of any degree.  I show them that they are in a climate in which they can feel safe and know that the belong.  I try to make myself as visible as possible in the hall ways and during lunch time when things such as bullying can occur. 

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