Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Implementation Plan - GPDE 5211G

A Balanced Approach to Assessment - Implementation Plan

  1. Pre-assessment
  2. Six Formative Assessments
  3. Performance Based Summative Assessment
  4. Plan for Differentiating your unit.

Throughout the unit my plan is to put students in to pairs or small groups so that they can work together and check each others work and provide each other with some peer assessment and peer feedback.  In doing so my hope is that my students' performance summative assessment will be of higher quality.  At this point in the trimester I will have had my students for a number of weeks so I should be at least somewhat familiar with their abilities.  This way when assign students into pairs and groups I can put lower-level students with some higher- to mid-level students.  In addition, if necessary I could decrease the number of required figures that students need to put in their design plan while still requiring them to find the areas of those figures.

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