Saturday, September 14, 2013

Growth Mindset 9/14

Goal:  In what ways will you help your students develop a Growth Mindset?

In one of my classes I am currently having students recorded the daily learning targets each day and rate themselves at the end of the period.  Every Friday we have a quiz on the learning targets from the week and also includes targets from previous weeks.  After the quiz they have to take out the sheet they recorded the targets on and write a reflecting that's at least three sentences and answers the following three questions:

  • What did I have success with this week?
  • What did I struggle with this week?
  • What will I do next week to improve?
I am writing a little comment on each of these reflections and attaching them to their quizzes.  In addition, students are able to retake quizzes for any specific learning target they want to improve their score on.

1 comment:

  1. Dusty - this looks like a wonderful way for your students to focus on what they need to learn, assess themselves as to how well they learned it, and formulate a plan to make sure they are learning (including what they might need to do in order to re-learn something). I really appreciate how you have made it a goal to provide feedback to the students on their reflections too! I think students are hungry for specific feedback.
